Ahmad Nadalian是一位伊朗的地景雕刻家,他透過一系列的作品,將人與自然的關係重新描繪,變成一件件的作品,很有趣的是,他呈現作品的手法,卻是非常刻意的考古學的方法帶進來,把生物(魚、螃蟹等等)有如化石的雕刻方式刻畫在石頭上,再透過投進水裡的動作,呼籲大家重視曾經存在過的歷史自然環境,或者,把沙灘變成壓滿昆蟲的軌跡,隨著潮水的湧進,又漸漸消失,這種呈現方式非常簡單,力量卻非常強大。

Ahmad Nadalian Profile
Link to www.riverart.net (external website)
Environmental artist, art critic, professor (Faculty of Fine Arts) ; Ahmad Nadalian was born in 1963, in Iran (Sangsar).
After his PhD study at the University of Central England (UCE) in 1995 he focused on environmental art.
His works, which he has named “River Art”, is composed of carved rocks that have been abandoned at the site where they were created. Various symbols are incised on boulders- chiefly fish, which for the artist are emblems of the human soul, thirsty to experience life.
He leaped to fame in the West, after representing his River Art project in the 50th Biennale of Venice. Then he was invited to many countries by different art centers and organizations for promoting his message.
Nadalian moves like a fish transgressing international borders. He has traveled widely, leaving graphic messages on all continents but Antarctica in the form of etched stones, thousands of them, large and small, on which he has inscribed or painted fish, crabs, nautilus spirals, and human hands, feet, and faces. Nadalian works with local residents, including children, hiding stones, burying them, and casting them into water.
His environmental art project, include the carving on rocks, can be found in many countries such as his homeland Iran, Italy, Germany, USA, Spain, France, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Lebanon, …. A number of small carved stones by Nadalian have been buried in different countries such as: Australia, Burkina Faso, Chad, Egypt, Greece, UK, Finland, Morocco, South Korea, Japan, Ireland, India, China, Russia, Brazil, Uzbekistan, France, USA, ...
Like archaeological artifacts, most of these stones are likely to remain hidden for generations.
The fundamental concern of this artist is the search for harmony with nature, with ourselves, and the universe which surrounds us.
Nadalian's life and artistic activities in Iran and abroad have been the subjects of some documentary film by filmmaker such as Mojtaba Mirtahmasb, Fergus Meiklejohn, Catherine MacDonald and Vesta Much.
Nadalian presents his works via new media, and utilizes the capabilities of the digital age, such as the Internet. A number of websites, such as www.riverart.net, www.nadalian.com and www.wwwebart.com are dedicated to introducing his works. He believes that a website is not only a place to introduce his work, but a contemporary way of conveying his ideas and art.
Selected Environmental Art projects
2006 Goddess of Fertility, “Verdearte” Pescia (PT- Tuscany) Italy
2005 Thirsty Fish, Seattle – USA
2005 Hidden Treasure - New York- Manhattan Central Park, USA
2005 River Art project, in the occasion of L'Eau Partagee:, in South of France (La Mole, Gogolin - Toulon)
2005 Hidden Treasure in France, Seine River, Paris
2004 Carving on the Rock of Fairies, Ramatuelle, France
2004 Carving on the Rock of beach in Sant Tropez
2004 Environmental Installation, Purification, Palma, Spain
2004 Thirsty Fish, Mallorca, Spain
2003 Lido Still has Fish in Open 2003 in Lido of Italy
2002 The River Still Has Fish, HAraz River, Iran
2000 International Symposium of Sculpture Aley- Lebanon
Selected Exhibitions
2005 Third Tashkent Biennale - Uzbekistan The winner of Grand Prix2004 Interactive Multimedia work at Tehran Contemporary Art Museum
2004 Unclaimed Language, Installation, Circulo de Bellas Artes in Madrid
2004 Individual exhibition, Galleria Portal Mallorca of Spain
2004 Multimedia Art ant Aluminum exhibition Baku (Republic of Azerbaijan)
2003 Video Installation of River Art, 50 biennale of Venice- Italy
2003 Installation at the Goethe Institute- Mannheim- Germany
2003 Group Exhibition of Group What is Art? What is Sound? in Luisen Park of Mannheim- Germany
2003 Group exhibition, Member of Group 30+ in Hayart cultural center in Yerevan , Armenia , April
2002 Web Art in New Art exhibition at Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art
2002 Group exhibition, Member of Group 30+ Triennale De Paris: International d'Art Contemporain
2002 Installation in Orientalism: Inside & Outside: International exhibition of Conceptual Art - Baku (Republic of Azerbaijan)
2002 Exhibition of Iranian Contemporary Painting, Muscat Oman
2001 Group exhibition Member of Group 30+ at Tokyo’s Metropolitan Museum
2001 Video installation in The First Exhibition of Iranian Conceptual Art at the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art
2001 Individual exhibition, drawing on fabric, paintings, carved Stones & installation - Gallery of the Association of Sculptors and Painters of Lebanon - Beirut .
1 則留言:
wow..I like this kind of morden art
利用砂石 刻畫出一副副美麗作品
大自然的美 無與倫比!!