2010年4月12日 星期一

[手感]MOA container


Eva Marguerre + Marcel Besau

For the formation of the baskets, the two designers developed a completely new materialcombination out of elastic yarn and resin. The basic form is built of innumerable crisscross spanned Lycra-yarns where every route is different, leading somewhere from bottom to top or someway from right to left, seemingly without beginning and end. The outcome of this is an interwoven elastic net, that is afterwards drenched in resin and pressed over a suitable form. Thus, the formerly two-dimensional flexible structure is transformed into a three-dimensional form, creating fruit-, newspaper-, and paper-basket which are solidified by hardening of the resin.

It is this play with the contrasts, which find the young-designer Eva Marguerre (26) and Marcel Besau (29) so exciting. In their first common project, they connect traditional craftsmanship with modern manufacture-processes. Thus, the surprising soft structure and diversity of intensive colors define the unmistakable style of the hand-made baskets. Due to the elaborate woven structure, each of the serial produced Moas turns out to be unique, not only unusual but also notably different.




Data survey:
Material: elastic yarn and resin
Basket types: paper-, newspaper-, and fruit-basket
Colors: black, yellow, turquoise, mixed colors
Weight: 440g, 320g, 210g
Waterproof and washable
Baskets of daily use for the residential area

1 則留言:

sandy 提到...

您好!!瀏覽文章的時候剛好手邊的日本MONO雜誌有介紹跟你文章內容很相似的東西。http://www.kaminokousakujo.jp/index.html 這是網址~給您參考!!他們是用紙壓塑成類似容器的造型,但是好像尚未量產!!

忠實淺水者sandy :)